2018 Projects and Achievements

Waste Management at the Monster Fair
We set up three waste stations at the Monster Fair. At these stations were bins for organics, recycling and rubbish. An adult and two Eco Warriors were placed at each station to help people put their waste in the right bin. We saved so much recycling and organics from going to landfill!
Eco Expo
On Monday the 9th of July the Eco Expo was held. Every student in the school attended the expo to learn more about sustainable lunch box options. 

The Expo was the culmination of months of research, planning and designing. We worked in our groups from the 'Sustainable Options for Your Lunch Box' booklet project and continued the research that we had started in term 1. We had to state the problem/s, solution/s, the impact on the environment and the connection to our school. We had to find images that related to our project and design a display board. We also had to write letters to companies asking them to donate prizes for us to give away. On the day of the Expo, we shared all our knowledge with the students and the wider community. It was so much fun!

Thank you to these companies who donated products:
The Lunchbox Queen
Kai Carrier
Kiwi Wraps
Heartland Potato Chips

Removal of the outside rubbish bins
In term 2 we successfully campaigned for the outside rubbish bins to be removed. This means that all rubbish in lunch boxes now goes home. We hope that this action will reduce the amount of plastic packaging in lunch boxes. It also means Heather can use her time in other ways as emptying bins takes a lot of time!

Sustainability Spotters
Two Eco Warriors patrol the eating areas every lunch time and give out tokens to students with sustainable options in their lunch boxes. Every student spotted gets 50 house points! Wananei!

'Sustainable Options for Your Lunch Box' booklet in every hub. 
We formed research groups and found alternatives to common plastic items in lunch boxes. We then shared this information and our booklet with all the hubs. 

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